Board exams are very important in student’s life and they are generally worried and confused about answer writing pattern and paper solving methods. So here are some points which will help them to get rid of all these worries. Students just have to keep all these important points in mind while writing their answers in the answer sheet of board exam :-

  1. Read the whole paper carefully in the given time and understand the real meaning of questions.
  2. Never get panic for those questions which are not prepared by you. Be calm during the exam.
  3. Start from those answers which are completely prepared by you, as it will save your time on thinking about unprepared questions.
  4. As you will have limited time for answers, write according to the marks. Do not give unnecessary details.
  5. Give proper examples and formulas for your answer and make neat and clean diagrams if required.
  6. Underline the important key points of your answer and try to avoid incorrect spellings.
  7. Answer sheet should be neat and clean. Proper spaces should be given after each answer.
  8. Keep the time limit in mind and do not give much time for a single answer.
  9. Keep the required stuffs(Extra pens, pencil, eraser, scale etc.) with you.
  10. Never forget to keep your Admit card. Make copies of your Admit card and read and follow the instructions of it carefully.

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